Mission 1 - Klingons on Starboard Bow

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

Legacy is sent to investigate the loss of contact with K-4 and K-5 only to discover that something else is wrong.

Start Date Thu Aug 30th, 2018 @ 9:40pm
End Date Thu Mar 26th, 2020 @ 3:40am

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Title Timeline Location
Klingon TBC
by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson & Lieutenant Zoe Cayce & Lieutenant Steffan Haas & Lieutenant Gente López-Fonsi & Lieutenant Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn & Lieutenant JG Ayden Kennett
2261.190 0030 Klingon Neutral Zone
When There’s a Need
by Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn & Lieutenant Steffan Haas
2261.188 1900 Deck 21, Long Range Comm Systems
Into the Klingon Neutral Zone
by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Lieutenant JG Eric Thornton & Ensign T'Peal & Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson & Lieutenant Zoe Cayce & Lieutenant Steffan Haas & Lieutenant Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn & Lieutenant JG Ayden Kennett
2261.189 2235 Legacy's Bridge - Somewhere in the Vicinity of the Klingon Neutral Zone
Klingon Neutral Zone
by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Lieutenant JG Eric Thornton & Ensign T'Peal & Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson & Lieutenant Zoe Cayce & Lieutenant Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn & Lieutenant JG Ayden Kennett & Petty Officer, 1st Class T'Kal
2261.189 2230 Legacy's Bridge - Somewhere in the Vicinity of the Klingon Neutral Zone
Meanwhile in Sickbay
by Lieutenant Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant JG Ayden Kennett
2261.189 2218 Sickbay
Alive and Kicking
by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Lieutenant JG Eric Thornton & Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson & Lieutenant Zoe Cayce & Lieutenant Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn & Lieutenant JG Ayden Kennett
2261.189 2215 Legacy's Bridge - Somewhere in the Vicinity of K-6
Pure Energy
by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Lieutenant JG Eric Thornton & Ensign T'Peal & Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson & Lieutenant Zoe Cayce & Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn & Lieutenant JG Ayden Kennett
2261.189 2210 Legacy Bridge in the Vicinity of K-6
Decisions, Decisions
by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Ensign T'Peal & Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson & Lieutenant Zoe Cayce & Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn & Lieutenant JG Ayden Kennett
2261.189 2200 Bridge
Need, Want. Part Two
by Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn
2261.188 1900 (making this a little bit later) Cole's Quarters
Playing with our Torpedos
by Lieutenant Zoe Cayce & Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson
2261.189 2145 Security offices
by Lieutenant JG Ayden Kennett & Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn
2261.189 2145 Sensor Control
To Cloak or to Shoot, That is the Question
by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Lieutenant JG Eric Thornton & Ensign T'Peal & Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn & Lieutenant JG Ayden Kennett
2261.189 2125 Bridge
Energized Research
2261.189 2125 Science Labs
Need, Want. Part One
by Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D. & Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn
2261.188 1900 Cole's Quarters
Overhearing A Rumor
by Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D.
2261.188 1600 Gym
Admiralty Directs the Action
by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Lieutenant JG Eric Thornton & Rear-Admiral John Wheeler & Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson
2261.189 2115 Briefing Room
Unexpected Message
by Lieutenant JG Ayden Kennett & Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn
2261.189 2120 Bridge
What Do We Know And What Do We Do?
by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson & Lieutenant Grayson Hawk & Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D. & Lieutenant JG Alastair Hallewell II
2261.189 2105 Briefing Room
Village Bicycle
by Able Crewman Ticker Tape
2261.188.1935 Legacy
Left In Command
by Lieutenant JG Ayden Kennett
2261.189 2103 Legacy Bridge
And We Only Began to Become Acquainted
by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson & Lieutenant Benjamin Chiles & Lieutenant Grayson Hawk & Lieutenant JG Alastair Hallewell II & Ensign Nadia Jiaying & Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn & Lieutenant JG Ayden Kennett
2261.189 2100 Legacy - K-6
Is it you I'm looking for?
by Lieutenant JG Ayden Kennett & Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson
2261.188 1930 Corridor and XO's Quarters
Movie Night Attempt
by Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn & Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson
2261.188 1830 Bec's Quarters
by Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn & Lieutenant JG Alastair Hallewell II
2261.187 1200 Chief Science Officer's Office
A Garbled Transmission
by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson & Lieutenant Benjamin Chiles & Lieutenant Grayson Hawk & Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D. & Lieutenant JG Alastair Hallewell II & Ensign Nadia Jiaying & Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn
2261.189 1900 Bridge

Mission Summary

Legacy investigated the destruction of K-4 and K-5 to find that some small ship with a plasma type weapon was obliterating the starbases. It headed into Klingon territory, tried to lose Legacy. Instead of the ship being Klingon, it turned out to be Romulan and was eventually destroyed. The Klingons decided to ignore that Legacy violated the Klingon neutral zone, giving chase.