Lieutenant Zoe Cayce

Name Zoe Cayce

Position Chief Security Officer

Rank Lieutenant


  • 9 Mission Posts

Last Post

Mon Feb 18th, 2019 @ 11:51pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Cygnian
Age 30
Date of Birth 11/7/2231
Place of Birth Omega 1 system - Planet - Cygni XIV

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5"
Weight 106 pounds
Hair Color Dark Brown-Nearly Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Slender and in good shape, owing largely to a dedicated workout routine and high energy levels. While she may appear young, she’s actually 30 and quite capable. Being a relatively long-lived species (maybe 200 years or so), she would be considered a young adult on her world, albeit one that’s seen and done quite a bit.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Irrelevant
Mother Santi (Oceanographer) and Ezri (Artist)
Brother(s) Perish the thought
Sister(s) None
Other Family Many ... got a couple of hours?

Other Relationships

Personality & Traits

General Overview She’s adaptable and a quick-learner when her interest is engaged. When it comes to divvying up the work, she’ll usually volunteer for the hard stuff and leave cooking and the like to someone else … anyone else. She’s a loving and loyal friend, the type to run toward danger, to place herself between others and the chaos. She can sleep practically anywhere and has no interest whatsoever in small talk. She laughs easily and often, enjoys adventure, and hates being left behind.
Strengths, Weaknesses, and Quirks Strengths:
- Independent and self-reliant
- Investigative, questioning mind
- Highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat as well as knives, quarterstaffs, and standard Starfleet weaponry.
- Adaptive to new situations
- Curious - a bit of an explorer at heart
- Intuitive - she thinks both consciously and subconsciously and she’s good at putting pieces together
Likes working with her hands. Back home, she builds furniture from wood. Finds its a good way to quiet her mind. She has a holodeck program that is basically a re-creation of her workshop.

- She is patient but also quite stubborn, not one to give up on something though she’s not above doing it sub rosa rather than overtly.
- She likes spending time with people but doesn’t develop really close, intense relationships quickly. She’s more likely to keep people at a distance until she knows them well enough; inviting you to her quarters is a sign that she’s begun to trust you.

- She loathes communication before she’s had her morning coffee (used to be tea but that changed on Earth too) - strong and black. Do not get in between her and that coffee. Its as easy as that.
- Hates, literally hates, women who flirt with men as a way to get things done - it's a way to lose her respect almost instantly.
Hobbies, Interests, Likes, and Dislikes Hiking, swimming, diving, climbing, martial arts, mysteries (books, vids, and especially, holonovels), cats (the Cygnian version is more like a miniature puma in looks and coloring but retains that independent personality that she likes … you have to earn a cat’s affection), hot baths by candlelight, especially when shared, spending time with friends, horseback riding and skiing (thank you Earth!), trying new things (especially when there’s an edge of danger - adrenaline junkie). On the quieter side, she loves music and while she can't play an instrument, she does like to sing (good voice) ... especially in the shower ... but its dancing she really enjoys. She did some Cygnian folk dancing as a child. She learned ballroom dancing (she leads).
Languages Known Cygnian, Federation Standard - and bits of differing languages (like how to order and especially curse words)
Medical profile A number of injuries sustained in the performance of her duties - she's broken an impressive number of bones over the years
Defining Quotes and/or Character Beliefs "Not here to be cute."
"The question isn't 'who's going to let me', the question is 'who's going to stop me?" (Ayn Rand)

And since coming to Earth for the first time --
"You don't have to be pretty. You don't owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially not to random men on the street. You don't owe it to your mother, you don't owe it to your children, you don't owe it to civilization in general. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked 'female.'" —Erin McKean

Personal History She really doesn’t understand why so many Federation cultures have such a problem with her own. She grew up in a small town, populated only by women, and, like every other woman she knows, has grown up doing what needs to be done. One of her parents (both are female naturally) is an oceanographer and the other is an artist. Her parents have a sprawling beach house and an easy-going attitude toward child rearing which left many opportunities for their only daughter, an explorer at heart, to find adventure (and usually create a bit of mayhem).

From her oceanographer parent, she learned an appreciation of her world’s oceans and finds a peace to being on the water that defies description. There have been times since, when life became a bit too much to handle, that she’s retreated to the home world, to spend time on a boat or on the shore, watching the waves and the marine life. Reconnecting with herself. From her artist parent, she learned to appreciate the beauty that surrounded her though she never embraced the artistic life herself.

She attended local schools and made friends easily. She did well in anything that caught her interest and poorly in anything that didn’t. She enjoys competition, both with herself and against others, and thrives when she’s moving and involved. Being a bit wild and adventurous meant that she was often in trouble.

When it came time to think about her future, she really didn’t know what to do and while she did her best, ultimately, she couldn’t avoid making a decision forever. On the one hand, she loved her childhood, her parents, and the beauty of her world; on the other hand, there was quietly dying for lack of challenge. She needed more. Her answer was just to ignore the problem, to throw herself into schoolwork and extra-curricular activities.

Among her circle of friends was Meital, daughter of a member of the ambassador’s staff, who nearly died when their ship was attacked by pirates while on its return trip to the home world. Meital’s tale of their rescue by Starfleet personnel fired Zoe’s imagination in a way nothing else had.
Education Record Attended local schools where she was good in some things and terrible in others. Always excelled in anything physical, loved wood-working, and was something of a legend in her secondary school for a particularly devious escapade involving feathers and glue and ... well, ask to see the vid. Words just don't do it justice.
Service Record 2249: Entered Starfleet Academy. Dual Major - Security and Command
2253: Graduated Starfleet Academy.
2253: After six weeks on the home world and one glorious party, assigned to the USS Armstrong
Only security team member to receive a reprimand and a commendation at the same ceremony
2256: Promoted to Asst. Chief of Security
Commended on several occasions for heroic action in the field and received a reprimand
for recklessly endangering herself in order to save a team member under fire. (She framed it)
2261: Transferred to the USS Legacy as Chief of Security