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Left In Command

Posted on Tue Oct 23rd, 2018 @ 8:34pm by Lieutenant JG Ayden Kennett

218 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Klingons on Starboard Bow
Location: Legacy Bridge
Timeline: 2261.189 2103

Having been on the bridge just by chance, Ayden was surprised that he was left in charge. There must be others more qualified than I am, he had thought to himself as he watched the department heads go off to a meeting. It felt strange, taking command while they were facing...what they were facing. But, if he was trusted, he would do what he could.

His eye scanned the bridge as he sat down in the big seat. It was quiet, though he could tell others were actively working on this or that. His eyes then met the viewscreen. He'd see what the others had seen: a ship appearing, firing, and then vanishing. The technology intrigued him, but not the way it was used.

Taking a deep breath, he sat forward, hands folded in his lap, deep in thought. He didn't know if they had a way to defend against the weapon he'd seen fired. He knew the technology of the Legacy like the back of his hand, but the ability to fight against that wasn't anything he'd ever thought of in his wildest dreams.

Letting the breath out, Ayden sat back again, running through his head what he would have to do if something happened while the department heads were not there.


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