Mission 0 - Christening of Legacy and Crew Arrival

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

The Crew Arrives and Legacy is Christened

Start Date Wed Dec 31st, 1969 @ 8:00pm
End Date Fri Mar 27th, 2020 @ 2:28am

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Title Timeline Location
The CEO... a RETROspective
by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Lieutenant Kevin Chambers
0 Legacy's Docking Bay
Meeting the Chief Navigator
by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Lieutenant Catriona MacGowen
0 Bridge
Backpost: Gente's Excitement
by Lieutenant Gente López-Fonsi & Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson
2261.183 1100 XO Ready Room
Shall we?
by Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson & Lieutenant Steffan Haas
2261.184 2125 Lounge
XO and CMO
by Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson & Lieutenant Jane Sinclair MD, DVM
2261.183 1900 Crew Lounge
A Medical for Comms
by Lieutenant Steffan Haas & Lieutenant Jane Sinclair MD, DVM
2261.184 1100 Sickbay
Close Encounters
by Lieutenant Steffan Haas & Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn
2261.187 1500 Somewhere on Deck 4
Comms Reporting
by Lieutenant Steffan Haas & Captain Cynthia Jackson
Captain’s Ready Room
The Pool
by Lieutenant Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant Zoe Cayce
2261.186 1900 Ship's Pool
The Proposal
by Rear-Admiral John Wheeler & Lieutenant Steffan Haas
Admiral Wheeler’s Office, Starfleet HQ
Science and Medicine Go Hand in Hand
by Lieutenant Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn
2261.183 0945 Science lab
Meeting the Nurse
by Lieutenant Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Petty Officer, 1st Class T'Kal
2261.182 0900 Sickbay
Alternate Medicine
by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Lieutenant Jane Sinclair MD, DVM
2261.182 0830 Sickbay
New Friends
by Lieutenant Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant Zoe Cayce
2261.184 1800 Gym
Making Friends
by Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson & Rear-Admiral John Wheeler
2261.190 0230 Starfleet Headquarters/Bec's Quarters
Bec's Stress Test
by Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson & Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D.
2261.188 1530 Gym
Making Time For You
by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D.
2261.183 0910 Sick Bay
Dinner? Or Dessert First?
by Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn & Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D.
2261.187 1730 Galley/Cole's Quarters
Security meets
by Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson
2261.182 1630 Security
Hail to the Chief
by Lieutenant Grayson Hawk
2261.182 1200 Chief of Security's Office
by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Lieutenant Benjamin Chiles
2261.186 0745 Bridge
The Tedious Thing That Is Your Health
by Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D. & Ensign Nadia Jiaying
2261.184 1000 Sickbay
Awkward Encounters
by Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson & Lieutenant JG Alastair Hallewell II
2261.182 1430 Science lab
What's up, Doc?
by Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson
2261.182 1300 Medical Bay
Saying Hello in Many Different Ways
by Ensign Nadia Jiaying & Lieutenant Grayson Hawk
2261.185 Off-Duty The Mess

Mission Summary

The Crew Arrives and Legacy is Christened