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Off We Go

Posted on Wed Sep 5th, 2018 @ 10:22pm by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Lieutenant JG Eric Thornton & Rear-Admiral John Wheeler & Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson & Lieutenant Naryi Avonavi & Lieutenant Azelya Korr & Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D. & Lieutenant JG Alastair Hallewell II & Ensign Nadia Jiaying & Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn & Ensign Martha Wachahunka

1,170 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1 - Klingons on Starboard Bow
Location: USS Legacy
Timeline: 2261.186 1400

Cindy and Bec spent a great deal of time trying to make sure that Legacy had gotten most, if not all of its personnel on board before Admiral Wheeler's deadline. Cindy had not had a great deal of sleep but she remained perky and happy, adrenaline carrying the day.

At 1355, she called over the comm, =/\= Positions for departure. We will be leaving in exactly 5 minutes. =/\= She gave an excited, beaming smile over at Bec. "I'm so ready for this." Practically floating over to the Captain's Chair, she sat down in it and leaned forward. Again, hitting the comm, she said, =/\= All stations report in status. =/\=

Despite appearances, Bec was excited about this moment. They would be leaving to explore in just a few moments. When Jackson gave her the blinding smile, she gave a small smirk back. "Never been more ready," she said and settled in to wait for the orders to be given. She glanced at Neza quickly, remembering the previous day's antics and the smirk widened into a smile before she moved her eyes back to the main screen.

Neza caught the glance and grinned back as she made her way to her station. She'd have to keep her eyes to herself, which meant keeping hem on her work.

Cindy gave Bec and understanding nod. There would be nothing better than getting away from Admiral Wheeler and his games. Finally! To space! Sure, they would not be exploring on this mission but it had to be coming soon, right?

“Both internal and external communications are working. The UT (universal translator) is working for all known languages.” Nadia said simply looking slightly behind her to where the captain sat.

"Thank you, Nadia." Cindy waited for the other departments to report in....

Sitting at a secondary science console, Neza glanced over at Alastair, wondering when it would be that he reported in. Everything looked good from her side, but it was his job after all.

=/\=Sickbay's ready=/\=, came Cole's husky, and slightly deep voice, through the comm.

Cindy answered, =/\= And with luck, we will never have anyone that needs you, Doctor. =/\=

Down in Sickbay, Cole hesitated at her statement. Although he knew what was meant by it, a part of him was bothered. =/\= One can only hope, Captain Cindy.=/\=

Biting her lip, Neza felt her heart skip a beat as Cole's voice came over the coms. She did her best to not let it show, instead keeping track of everything in front of her.

Bec had let her eyes roam again and they lit on Neza just as she bit her lip. 'Interesting,' she thought. The only thing that had happened was Doctor Dering reporting. 'Either she's got a thing for him, or she's thinking about yesterday.' She decided to make a note in her 'little black book' about it.

Alastair strode on the bridge with a brisk walk before acknowledging Neza and grabbing his own seat. He had tried to walk around the ship as quick so he could to check in on some other people in his department, so he was running a little behind.

"Science personnel reporting ready for departure, systems operating at optimal levels."

=/\=Engineering is ready when you are, Captain. Just give the word,=/\= Naryi signaled from the lower decks.

Beaming, Cindy responded, =/\= Get ready for departure! Impulse and warp engines are humming? =/\=

Down in engineering, Naryi's arched right eyebrow would have made any Vulcan proud. =/\=Impulse and warp drive are operating within optimal parameters, Captain=/\=

Cindy ordered, "Navigation, plot us a course for the Klingon Neutral Zone, specifically towards deep space station K-4. Helm, get us out of here. Impulse until we are out of the Sol System, then Warp Factor 6."

A young ensign responded, "Course set, Captain Cindy."

"Nadia, signal Admiral Wheeler that we are ready to depart and departing on his orders at 1400 sharp."

Chewing the inside corner of her mouth as her eyes reflected a sea of flashing symbols and systems, tucked nicely into her all too comfortable seat off on the corner of the bridge, Azelya finally became certain enough with what she was reviewing to reply to the Captain. "All security checks have been verified ma'am, and our compliment for weapons, both ship and personal are all accounted for."

"Great news!" Cindy responded. "Proud of our team completing it before liftoff. Hopefully we will never have to use those weapons."

Connecting the Legacy to the Admiral, =/\= Admiral Wheeler this is the Legacy. We are ready to depart on time per your orders at 1400. =/\= Nadia then waited for response that she could pass along to Captain Jackson.

As if on cue, an extra communications officer appeared on the bridge: one with no seat accounted for: Junior Grade Lieutenant Eric Thornton. He had a video device in his hands and was filming all of the bridge and their officers performing their duties.

”Excellent work, Commander. Good luck to you and your crew.” Wheeler said with a smile.

Alastair saw the man who had interviewed him earlier come onto the bridge, his blood pressure rising a bit as he recalled how much of an annoyance he was and he was certain that hadn't changed between now and then. He was an unwelcome and unnecessary distraction, and it kept the crew from efficiently doing their duties since they were celebrities rather than Starfleet officers. He had signed up to be a science officer, not to be the victim of some moron with a camera's front page picture on some publication that wasn't worth his time. The people in charge tolerated him though, so he was forced to as well since speaking his mind about the issue would only lead to more counterproductive distraction.

Cindy muttered under her breath, "Even for this moment...." She gave Bec a meaningful look of helplessness and frustration, her eyes darkening.

Nadia sighed seeing the video. Never understood why these things needed to be filmed and showed to the masses.

Glancing over her shoulder, Neza saw the device Eric had and slightly rolled her eyes before returning her attention to the science station in front of her. She didn't comment on the fact that her chief was late to the bridge on their first day, and decided to continue her working.

Bec gave Jackson a look that said it all. Pure annoyance. She even rolled her eyes before fixing her expression and sitting up straight in her chair. "I hate that man," she whispered, tight lipped.

"Probably just a pawn," she whispered optimistically, just as tight lipped and away from the camera angle. "Seems harmless," she concluded.

"Not him, he's a minor annoyance," Bec turned so the camera couldn't see her whispering to Jackson. "The man behind the pawn draws my ire."

"Agreed," came back the whisper. A cheery voiced Cindy told her crew, her hazel eyes sparkling, "Now smile and wave to everyone back home. On my mark, take us out of here."

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... Helm, put the pedal to the metal!"


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