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Mission Briefing Aftermath

Posted on Wed Sep 5th, 2018 @ 10:57am by Lieutenant Commander Charlotte Hudson & Captain Cynthia Jackson

1,137 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 0 - Christening of Legacy and Crew Arrival
Location: Legacy Transporter Room and....
Timeline: 2261.185 1825

Cindy was steamed. Bec could see it in Cindy's now dangerously brown eyes. She said absolutely nothing other than "Transport us back to Legacy," until they reached the transporter room in Legacy. Looking back over at Bec, Cindy steadily fumed in a quiet voice, "Why that chauvenistic pig! If it would not lose me Legacy, I would punch him in that wooden face and let him consider how a woman just laid him out and not in a way that I'm sure he would like!"

She walked off the transporter pad and continued to fume at Bec. "I wonder who that ass would have had as his choice for Captain. Bet it would be as much of an ass as him!"

Bec bit her lip, trying hard not to laugh at Jackson's comments. The other woman was, rightfully, angry and laughing would just make things worse. "I bet it would be him," she piped up finally, following Jackson out of the transporter room. "Men like him think only decorated veterans deserve to command ships as special as Legacy."

"Oh, like hell he's flying this ship. Admirals belong in their Old Fogey chairs doing paperwork. They have forgotten what it is to fly. They must think everything is easy sitting in their arm chairs and using their 20/20 hindsight. But we're going to show him, right, Bec?" Cindy looked for confirmation.

"Damn right we will, Cindy," Bec used her commanding officer's first name for once. "By the way," she moved closer, her tone becoming more conspiratorial. "If you get a call demanding answers, I did not rig his door to stay open and chime to go off every fifteen to twenty seconds. It was purely accidental when I tripped over his ego on the way out of his office..."

Cindy's eyes immediately lightened and she snickered. "I saw nothing. I left before you and I think I can vouch for your impeccable character." She emphasized the word "impeccable." She then turned to Bec and said, "You're going to be a lot more fun than Phil would have been."

Bec gave a genuine laugh at this. "Fun I can be. Always perky like you? Nope, not my thing," she said with a grin. "But watch your office, one day you may find some surprises. But for now, I promise I won't do anything that'll get us into trouble with that PR spy we have aboard."

"Watch my office, huh?" Cindy wondered what Bec had in store for her. "Do you know anything about Phil?" she asked in a tone closer to a whisper. "He was my tactics teacher at the Academy."

"Tactics teacher, huh? I may have had him as well," Bec thought about it. She honestly hadn't gotten to know her teachers all that well. "But I don't know anything about him."

"Commander Phil Wilson. British. Rather stodgy sounding, maybe even a bit dour. He's five years older than me. He was always thinking." She laughed. "Had a bit of a pessimistic view on life.... I thought you were going to be just like him." She snickered. "Well, not just like him. I think I might have had a bit of a crush on him. I mean, wouldn't that be odd? We're not much alike. But he did tutor me on my tactics."

"Ah... yes... he was my teacher!" Bec nodded, who could forget a stodgy Brit boring tactics into their brains. "He was rather good looking, if I recall correctly," she said thoughtfully, "I could see you having a crush on him." A smirk formed on her face as she thought about young, probably even more perky, Cadet Cindy Jackson, fawning over the stoic tactics teacher. "Good teacher though, one of the few I didn't have trouble with."

"Definitely good looking. Of course, he had that limp that Starfleet never could heal for him." She shrugged, being one of the few that knew his secret, that which drew her even closer to the Commander. "British accents are just sexy," she concluded. "Probably for the best that he's not here. I might have to listen to him philosophizing about what was going on in Wheeler's head and how to defeat it."

"Snore," Bec said sounding bored. "I'd rather talk about how long it would take paint to dry in the rain than spend a second thinking about that jerk."

Cindy threw her head back laughing. "Oh, God! Me, too! I'll have to remember that part about 'in the rain,' for future reference." Cindy's eyes started to lighten and turn a dark green, a distinct change from her brown eyes that were visible when she got off the transporter pad. "But, he certainly has put us in a pickle. We have less than 20 hours to find all of our crew, get them on board, and make sure that all of our provisions are on board. I know that people have been moving here for the last three days but do you know what our current status is?"

Bec noted the changing eye colour and made a mental note to inquire as to how that was possible later. "Last report stated eighty percent of our crew had reported in, eighty-five percent of our provisions delivered, twenty percent of those have made it to where they need to be, though the shuffling of provisions can be done on the move," she sighed. "We may just be able to get this done, but we'll have to convince the ops teams to hustle."

"See to that. I do not believe our Chief Helm officer has checked in yet. I know that I have not met one in the last few days, so that is concerning."

"We are getting one, I remember reading his file," Bec frowned. "But it is concerning that he hasn't reported in yet. I will try to track him down. Anything else?"

"Short of having a certain higher up struck down with a case of a meteor striking his office?" Cindy's eyes lightened further and she chuckled. Without waiting for a response, she continued to the real question. "No. We have a lot to do before we depart."

"That we do," Bec sighed, feeling frustrated again. "Better hop to it then. I have a ton of reports to read, and some ops people to chase up. Dismissed?"

Cindy looked at Bec as if she had two heads. "You need something that formal from me? This was just a pleasant conversation.... But, if you insist, yes, dismissed."

Bec laughed and shrugged. "Guess I'm just used to working with hardasses where you couldn't have 'just a pleasant conversation', even if allowed to speak casually." She gave Jackson a wave and started picking up her pace to go speak with the station's ops team. "Catch ya later Cap'n!" She called over her shoulder.


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