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The Proposal

Posted on Sat Jan 26th, 2019 @ 6:00pm by Rear-Admiral John Wheeler & Lieutenant Steffan Haas

578 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 0 - Christening of Legacy and Crew Arrival
Location: Admiral Wheeler’s Office, Starfleet HQ

Lieutenant JG Steffan Haas waited outside Admiral Wheeler’s office nervously. He had no idea why he’d been summoned to the Head of Starfleet Security’s office. Perhaps the officer from the Potemkin, who’s credits we won a few nights again during a friendly poker game, had put in a complaint. But surely it wouldn’t have gone this fair. How could Steffan be held accountable for them being rubbish at poker.

“The Admiral will see you now, Lieutenant.” Said the Admiral’s aid, who was seated at a desk within the waiting area.

Haas gave a nod before standing. He put on his peaked cap, and adjusted it slightly, before giving his dress uniform greys a yank. He took a deep breath and walked into Wheelers office.

“Lieutenant Steffan Haas, reporting as ordered, sir.” He said crispy focusing on a point on the wall above the Admiral’s head.

“At ease, son. Take a seat.” The gruff Admiral said as he put out his cigar.

Haas gave a curt nod before removing his cap and placing it under his left arm before taking the offered seat.

“I hear you one of the best Comms officer’s in the fleet, lad. How do you fancy working for me?” Wheeler said.

Haas couldn’t help but frown, “I’m sorry, sir, why do you need a Starship comms Officer?”

Wheeler chuckled, “I don’t, son. I putting together a crew for the Legacy, our newest Constitution Class. I want you to be her Chief Comms Officer.”

“I still don’t understand, surely if you want me, you’d reassign me not ask for my permission?” Haas replied.

Wheeler let out a chuckle, “You’re a bright kid. I want you to do something for me.”

The Lieutenant frowned, “What, sir?”

“I want you to keep tabs on that Captain Starfleet has put in charge. I want to know everything she does or doesn’t do. In return I’ll promote you to a Full Lieutenant and assign you to the ship. If you play your cards right, son, you could be the next Kirk.” Wheeler replied.

“Why do you need or want to keep tabs on this Captain?” Steffan asked, wanting to know the facts before making his decision.

“To put it simply, lad, I don’t like her. I feel she’s a wrong choice for the Legacy. A Constitution Class ship should be for a Captain not a Commander. She’s more into doing her nails and having her hair done than being a Starfleet Officer.” The Admiral said before a pause. “Do this for me and I’ll see your career takes off.”

Steffan considered the offer. He was tempted simply to serve on a new Constitution Class vessel. He wasn’t sure about being the Admiral’s spy though. “Alright, I’ll do it, sir.” He replied. Haas wasn’t going to blindly do what the Admiral wanted, he wanted to see what the Legacy’s Captain was made of. If she was how the Admiral had said he would glad help to remove her from command. However, if she was a good Commanding Officer, it could blow up in the Admiral’s face.

“Excellent, son. I’ll get your transfer sorted today. Congratulations on the promotion full Lieutenant Haas of the USS Legacy.” Wheeler said. “Get the proper uniform on.” He added referring to the rank on his shoulder. “Dismissed.”


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