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Hail to the Chief

Posted on Sat Oct 13th, 2018 @ 2:46pm by Lieutenant Grayson Hawk

678 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 0 - Christening of Legacy and Crew Arrival
Location: Chief of Security's Office
Timeline: 2261.182 1200

He stopped in front of the Chief Security Officer's door and took a steadying breath. Starfleet had its rules and customs, he understood that. Anticipated it even. But still, it would be brilliant just to be a regular part of the ship and not the person running about announcing himself everywhere. Still, it was necessary and so, he pressed the chime and waited for a response.

A muffled escapes from behind the nondescript door as the chime sounds, a scuffle heard as well, before a not so re-assuring "Uh, come?" response is belted out by the woman inside. As if pre-programmed into the computer system, the doors whisk open without much pause, revealing an office filled to the brim with boxes and stacks of PADDs.

Behind a obsidian black desk in the back center of the room, stands a rather tall vibrant redheaded woman, gingerly rubbing her wrist as she half glances at the door, half glances to the wall behind the desk, a Phaser rack half hanging off the wall now, swinging ever so slightly as it expands its last bit of momentum. "...Hello there!" She quickly spits out, a smile spilling over her face as she looks at the Lieutenant.

"Hello," Grayson said in response, smiling politely, from his place near the door. Politeness dictated that he keep his attention on the Lieutenant though his generally curious nature itched to be able to look at the room more closely. Still, he kept his attention on the red-headed Security Chief as he continued. "Lt. Grayson Hawk. I've been assigned to Security."

As if suddenly realizing that she was standing there awkwardly, she turned to give the man before her full attention. "Apologies for the mess, just trying to get settled here... it's proven to be more difficult than imagined." Mused the Chief, as she stepped over and around obstacles to make it to the door, finally ended up in front of him, right hand extended.

"At ease, Lieutenant. No need to stand on ceremony for me, though it is appreciated. I'm Lt. Azelya Korr, I prefer to go by Azelya, or Az, when protocol allows. I just saw your boarding papers an hour or two ago, so happy you came down. Come on in, let's find a seat and talk!"

"Thank you," Grayson said as the two shook hands. "I'm Grayson but mostly everyone who isn't directly related just calls me Hawk." He looked about the room and then back at her, smiling cheerfully as he did so. "Shall we forge a path to some chairs or just drop onto the nearest packing crates?"

"Hawk? Hawk..." Mused Azelya out loud, seeming to approve of the name or have some thoughts on it, but whatever they were elicited a faint smile. "Ah! Yes..." Throwing her hands up, she huffed loudly. "Just grab a crate! All the weapons are still in coded lockdown, so I don't think anything will fire on us accidentally."

Swinging a leg over a nearby crate, she spun and sat atop it, the Starfleet Grey case wobbling slightly. "So, what brings you to the Legacy? I saw your file, but haven't had time to go over them, and I'd rather hear it from you. Are you a career security man, or just for the moment, for instance?" Adjusting, she tucks her legs up under herself, sitting in a cross-legged yoga-like pose.

"I wanted to serve," Grayson said as he found his own seat atop a crate. The crate had a tendency to shift as though it had a leg missing and he found himself using the muscles in his legs to adjust for the shifts and maintain his balance. "They did their tests and well, I've always been an athlete. I rather preferred Security to sitting at the helm every shift so I agreed and well ... the rest is in my record."

He sat for a moment longer, then stood. "If you'll excuse me, ma'am, I've got duties to attend to." He waited for her nod and then, smiling, left.


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