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Let's Get Physical

Posted on Sun Sep 16th, 2018 @ 8:05pm by Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D. & Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn

1,053 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 0 - Christening of Legacy and Crew Arrival
Location: Legacy Sickbay
Timeline: 2261.185 1430

Neza wandered the corridors, in her off duty clothes consisting of a green tank top and black leggings, debating whether or not she wanted to stop where she needed to. She hated going there, whether she was hurt or not. But, it was likely better to get it done before they actually left, right?

She knew that people were on board, and she hoped that someone would be there to take care of this. Finding her way to Sickbay, Neza stepped inside and looked around. She hadn’t been able to see what a brand new Sickbay looked like before, and everything was all shiny and unused.

But with that came the uncertainty of where to find anyone, as she didn’t know her way around in here yet. So she let her eyes scan the room, looking for where anyone might be.

Cole came walking out of the lab, his eyes going over a report from an earlier exam. He saw her and slowed in his tracks. "Hey..." He smiled when he realized who it was, "Neza."

When she saw who was in there, Neza grinned. "Hey, Cole. Wasn't sure there would be anyone in here with us still not on our way yet."

"Oh yeah, there would be," he said, his smile remaining. And then continued, while looking her over in a way that wouldn't be obvious he was checking her out. "We're giving physicals, both scheduled and walk'ins. Then there's supply inventory, testing out equipment, and of course, going over patient files...among other things. So," he raised both eyebrows, "What can I do for?"

"Sounds like what we're doing in science, somewhat. But the...second one, technically, on your list. Walk in physical. I had one at the Academy but," Neza shrugged, "Figured better to get one on a new ship, right?"

"Right," Cole agreed, and then paused as he wondered why he hadn't noticed how pretty she was before. Then he grinned for another awkward moment. "So, how about you get up on a biobed," he suddenly said, and lead her over to shorter examination one, "and we'll begin."

Catching him looking, she blushed slightly but tried to hide it (failing of course). Simply just nodding, Neza followed over to the biobed and hopped up onto it. Since when was she ever tongue tied, let alone blushing, around anyone?

Catching her blush, Cole couldn't help but smile back to her. He was flattered. "So, how have you been feeling overall?" he asked, grabbing a medical tricorder as he placed the tablet that he'd been holding down onto a nearby tray.

"Hmm?" She shook herself out of her own thoughts and watched him work. "Oh, just fine. No complaints at all." Neza's eyes followed him, hoping he didn't catch her looking.

"Glad to hear it," he said, while moving in closer, his eyes catching hers. He had to force them away before picking up the rod he would be scanning her with. "This won't hurt," he teased lightly as he started using it.

Neza caught his eye again, but didn't try to avert her own eyes this time. Her grin widened as she heard what he said. "Well, that's good to know," she stated with a giggle.

Enjoying himself, Cole continued to scan her. "Well..." with an uncertain expression, he held out the tricorder monitor as if to get a better look at it, "you appear to be healthy...but...I don't know..."

Raising an eyebrow as she watched him, Neza just shook her head. She giggled as she saw him looking at the tricorder. "You aren't sure, are you? Well, I do wonder if there is a way you could..find out.."

"Hmm..." he looked intense as he appeared to be thinking about it. "I think...I could think of one...maybe...over dinner." His eyebrows raised in question, his eyes expectant. "I may need you to join me. So will you?"

A large smile crossed her face at the question about dinner. "Of course I will join you, Cole. Just tell me the time and place and I'll be there."

"Alright," he smiled again, matching hers, "How about we meet at the galley at...oh, say...1730 hours? We can then eat in my quarters.." His eyes seem to search hers, "Would you be alright with that?"

Neza’s eyes lit up. “I believe that sounds like a plan. 1730 at the galley, I will see you there.” She wasn’t sure if he was actually done with the physical, so she didn’t jump off the biobed quite yet.

“I’m looking forward to it,” he grinned having lessened the space between them. And then released a breath, suddenly feeling a little nervous, for it had been awhile. “Well, we have one more test and then I...can let you go.”

She couldn't help but watch him get closer, biting her lip slightly. "One more test? What test would that be?"

"An exercise stress test," Having noticed, his eyes traced over where she had slightly bitten, "where I'll be monitoring your heart's electrical activity. I want to make sure your heart gets enough blood flow during...any sort of exercise."

Neza raised an eyebrow and gave a frown, even adding in a little bit of a pout. "But...I always hated that test."

"Oh?' his brow furrowed, "Well, you've never had one done by me." and directed her to lie on her back, "So just maybe that's about to change."

With a heavy sigh, she laid back. "Oh, if you must. It's not that I hate exercising. In fact, I enjoy it, a lot."

"Same here," he said, looking down at her with understanding. "Although I'm not one for the gym, not normally. I don't really care for the machines." Then it really hit him, and he nodded, relating now. "I promise this won't take long," he said reaching over to the panel that released the pedals. He glanced down to her sideways in a sexy way, "Are you ready?"

Eyeing the pedals for a moment, Neza nodded and then smiled at his look. "I suppose I am. I don't think I have a choice, do I?" She returned a look, an almost mischievous look.

"Oh.. well," he lightly laughed, loving her expression, "I suppose you don't."


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