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How Dare They!

Posted on Sun Sep 15th, 2019 @ 8:54pm by Lieutenant Jane Sinclair MD, DVM

715 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 2 - Love ORION Mistaken
Location: Outside Vivyra’s Quarters

Jane awoke after a short bout of sleep, thrust awake by a sudden chill. She opened her eyes to find herself alone in bed, her sexpot and mini furnace of a girlfriend conspicuously absent.

“Vivyra?” she called into the void of her room. No answer came. “Vivyra!?!” she repeated. But the void doesn’t respond.

Feeling a sudden emptiness in her gut, she rolled out of bed. She took a deep breath. There was probably nothing wrong. She must have needed to stretch her legs. Oh! She probably needed to get something from her room. Jane has helped her build a small collection of clothes, maybe she was getting her clothes for tomorrow.

But the bad feeling wouldn’t leave Jane’s gut. She needed to check. Vivyra still didn’t understand how things worked aboard the ship. Someone might take advantage of her if she were stopped along the way, or along the way back. And Jane would never forgive herself if that happened when she might prevent it.

Since she was going into a public part of the ship, she was cautious and modest and put on a uniform. Underwear, bra, uniform, boots, all of it. And if she found Vivyra choosing what she might wear, then the extra layers might tempt her girlfriend to strip her of them, stretching the encounter. Jane got flush just thinking about it.

She left her room and took a turbolift down three decks to find the VIP quarters.

What she saw when she arrived chilled her to her core.

Around Vivyra’s door were no less than five people. Four men and one woman. Two sat to either side of her door. The remaining three were across from her door. They were simply loitering, but Jane knew what was going on. One had his shirt open. One was holding a bottle of champagne and two flutes. The woman’s top buttons were undone, her breasts pushed up and together with some kind of corset underneath.

Jane was furious. She turned deep red. “What the hell is going on here?” she demanded.

Though most looked unnerved, one man met her eye. “Listen, Doc, just because you saw her first doesn’t mean you get dibs. You don’t get a monopoly on the Orion. We want to have fun too.”

Spurred on my their friend, the others looked more confident. “Yeah!” said a second. “I hear Orions are the best lay!”

“And if she’s insatiable,” said a third, “then she’ll want this. And it’s unfair of you to deny us from her. Unfair to us and to her.”

The woman stepped forward and started gently stroking Jane’s arm. “We’ve heard you and her through the door some nights. We know how good she is. Just let us have a turn, okay sweets?”

“She’ll love it,” the final guy said. “And she’ll thank you for it, I’m sure.” He gave her a wink.

Their words were meant to either calm her, or make her more reasonable. They didn’t work.

Jane slapped the woman hard across the cheek and then kneed one of the men in the groin. He fell to the ground, but another pushed her shoulders, making her fall to the ground.

She climbed up, and snatched the champagne flutes from one guy. One broke in her hand, cutting her deep as the shards fell. But the other was intact. Perfect. She smashed it against the bulkhead, giving her a perfect blade. She tried slashing at her fellow Starfleet officer, not once thinking she was being unreasonable. These bastards wanted her girl and they would do anything, even hurt her and Vivyra terribly, to do it. Two backed away while the first to speak and the woman each seized Jane by her arms.

Jane’s hand bled profusely as she tried to break their grasp. She was making progress. She needed to hurt these people. To punish them. No one else would. She had to do it, to protect Vivyra. Vivyra...

Someone managed to get to a comm panel before the doctor could do any more harm. “Security to Deck Six! Emergency!” How much of that simple message was heard over Jane’s screaming would never be known.


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