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Assistant Chief of Security

Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2019 @ 4:44pm by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Lieutenant Luke Osswell

1,637 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 2 - Love ORION Mistaken
Location: Captain's Office

A new face showed on Cindy's bridge. He wore the outfit of a security officer. She never recalled seeing him before but did recall that a new security officer had beamed on board at some point. She looked over at him and seemed to recall a name of Luke or Oswell. Beaming a smile in his direction, she asked, "Are you Luke? Do you mind if I have a moment with you in my office?" Without waiting for an answer, she headed to the ready room, expecting Luke to follow.

The first couple of days Luke had gotten settled and explored the ship a bit, those parts he hadn't explored yet during his tour with Lt. Windsor. He was fascinated by how seemlessly the different parts of all the different ships had been integrated into each other to create the USS Legacy. Now was his first time on the Bridge, and had already been planning to formally introduce himself to Captain Jackson. She had been busy before so he was working at his station, waiting for a good moment to introduce himself. Captain Jackson, however, had already noticed him even though she was so busy before, because before Luke even had a chance to glance in her direction, she had already introduced herself and asked him into her office. He replied affirmatively and followed her into the Ready Room.

Cindy moved back to her desk and rather than sitting behind it, she sat on top of it, which emphasized her long legs and her miniskirt short sleeved gold uniform which left very little to the imagination. Her long platinum blonde hair was airy and seemed to have a light life of its own, swaying and bouncing as she did. Her eyes were a delighted green. "Please sit. Luke, isn't it?"

"Yes, Captain," Luke replied as he sat down. "Happy to be part of the Legacy, madam." That's when he noticed he was at exact eye-level with the Captain's legs and her mini-skirt, which made a million alarm bells go off in his head. However, Luke, always being professional, politely kept his eyes directed at Captain Jackson's eyes, as if the rest of her pretty body did not exist. He did contemplate about this as he sat there, and decided that this captain was not like the other captains he had previously worked with.

"I'm glad that you're happy to be here. I would not want unhappy crew members. So, tell me what makes you happy," Cindy replied, crossing her legs.

In any other setting Luke would have been convinced that he was being flirted and teased with, but this was his Captain, in her Ready Room, on duty. Moreover, Luke was on duty himself and did not allow his mind to wander. Not that he allowed it to wander much at any time, too used it was to being on alert. So, keeping his eyes locked on hers, he said: "are you asking your Lieutenant Junior Grade and Assistant Chief of Security of the USS Legacy, or Luke Osswell, a regular everyday normal guy just trying to make something of his life?" Despite his professionalism, Luke couldn't suppress a grin.

"Both," Cindy replied, smiling widely.

"Well," Luke responded professionally, not in the least bit daunted by the Captain's forwardness, "as a Security Officer I always enjoy seeing a well-balanced mix between professionalism and keeping it casual. In my experience this maximises efficiency and minimises many problems, which makes my job so much easier and more enjoyable. So far, I think the Legacy is succeeding in this quite nicely. Security-wise, Lt. Commander Hudson has implemented some excellent procedures from which I learned a great deal. I have some ideas myself as well which I'll propose during our next departmental meeting."

After a short pause and in a more casual, cheerful facial expression, he continued: "as a regular everyday normal guy I like spontaneity. For example, I had the most wonderful encounter with Lt. Windsor when I had just beamed aboard. Just like that, she offered me a tour on the ship even though she didn't need to, she was clearly enjoying the book she was reading, but she took me along anyway. Now that's the kind of thing I like in people. Away with agendas and schedules, live in the moment, make it happen." Luke stopped himself before he became caught up in his own enthusiasm.

"I'm very glad to hear this. I try to cultivate a very positive and friendly environment on my ship. I don't want anyone to think of themselves as less important because of rank or anything else. We're a team. Heck, I was an ensign once, too!" Cindy bubbled and then giggled contagiously. "I love that you are getting along with the crew. As you can see, I like to keep it casual, as well. That's why I prefer to be called Cindy but some people are uncomfortable with that and have adopted Captain Cindy as my title. Whichever you prefer."

While Luke considered himself flexible and outgoing, calling his Captain by her first name was quite a leap for him as he had been addressing his superiors by their rank since he first got out of the Academy, all those many years ago. He was all for casualness, but a clear and proper acknowledgement of rank was very important to the functioning of a ship, especially during emergency situations. However, Luke was nothing if not open to compromise: "How about I'll address you with Captain Cindy when on duty, and call you Cindy when we're off duty?"

"If that's what makes you comfortable, then that is more than acceptable to me, Luke." She beamed happily at Luke, just waiting for his next reaction.

Luke smiled back at her, not really sure what else was expected from him. Her calling him Luke instead of Lt. Osswell felt good, which is something he would not have thought only a few days earlier, before he had set foot on the Legacy. But then again, she was after all not that much older than he was. Had he had met her in a bar on Earth he definitely would have bought her a drink, but since she was his captain, he went with a simple and professional: "Is there anything else you would like to know about me, Captain Cindy?"

"Tell me your interests. What do you like to do when you're not on duty?" she pressed. "What's your favorite color? Do you have a quest?" She giggled lightly at that last question, wondering if Luke would pick up on the Monty Python reference.

"I go to the gym, work out while listening to some music. That way I can jump over the Bridge of Death instead of having to answer those pesky questions from the old man from scene 24." He gave her a knowing smile. "Love to hike in the mountains if there's time. Most times though you can find me in the bar with friends after work. Although sometimes I crave reading a good book or watch a movie, the latter preferably with company," he said with a wink, but quickly composed himself as he realised what he had done. What was he thinking? She was his Captain for crying out loud!

Cindy laughed when Luke said he would be able to jump over the bridge of death. "That would be quite a jump!" Cindy replied, interested. "What do you do? Weights? Cardio? Sports? Are there any particular types of holos that you enjoy?"

"I like anything that either has a sci-fi or fantasy element in it. Like Space Fleet or Lord of the Rings, the 2278 version, mind you, by Pjotr sans Jaques. In the gym, there are days when I focus on weights, and others on cardio. Whatever my body needs most at that time. In addition to hiking, I like rock-climbing, but any sport is fun to do, really. It's about getting fit and relaxing your mind, after all. What do you like to do?"

The Captain blinked a few times and wondered if Luke was reading her mind. She gave him a more serious once over and said, "Any sport, really. I like to work up a good sweat. I'm built for volleyball but racquetball and squash are common favorites."

Luke's eyes lit up. "I've actually never tried racketball..." He left the obvious question out and wondered if she'd take the bait. That voice reminding him of proper professionalism more and more muted by raging hormones.

Cindy's eyes grew large. "Well! That must be remedied! Tomorrow, then?"

Luke smiled, "It's a date!" And immediately he again mentally kicked himself. What was wrong with him!?

"Very good!" Cindy replied beaming. "I'll see you 20 minutes after our shifts end, so, 1720, then?"

"See you then!", Luke said and made to get up, then remembered Captain Cindy hadn't dismissed him yet, so he sat back down.

Laughing, Cindy decided to exploit the moment. She threw her hair back and it settled behind her shoulders, "Are you stuck to your chair, Luke?"

Luke grinned back. "Well, unless you dismiss me, technically yes."

Giggling lightly, Cindy told Luke, "I'll have to remember that I have that power." After a pregnant pause, Cindy finally told Luke, "Very well, you're dismissed. Don't forget, though, racquetball tomorrow after duty."

Was she teasing him? Luke thought she was.... A captain teasing her Assistant Chief of Security while on duty. This was so confusing to the otherwise so well-organised and dedicated Starfleet officer. But for some reason he didn't mind at all. Instead, he simply got up and said: "Aye Captain. Cindy. Captain Cindy." Walking back onto the Bridge he resolutely walked to the security console and buried himself in diagnostic routines for the next couple of hours.


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