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Finding Vivyra's Home

Posted on Mon May 20th, 2019 @ 8:45pm by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn

334 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Mission 2 - Love ORION Mistaken
Location: Captain's Ready Room

"At least that's one confirma..." the computer went off as Neza was speaking and she went to check the results from the data storage device. "Better than nothing," she kicked on the comms, =^=Glenn to Jackson. Cindy, we've confirmed it was Orions weapons fire. And, we've got at least one coordinate out of one of the data storage devices we found. Possibly could lead us to where we need to go.=^=

=^=Meet me in my ready room, Neza.=^= Cindy replied to Neza before hitting her comm and calling out, =^= Cat, would you please come to my ready room? =^=

=^= Understood, on my way,=^= came Neza's voice as she made her way to the ready room. She left the others to continue on their work making sure they knew to report anything else. Once she got to the ready room door, she pressed the chime.

Cindy told Neza from her chair, "Come on in! Have a seat!"

Giving Cindy a small smile, Neza did exactly that and took a seat, but she looked exhausted.

Cat came into Cindy’s ready room immediately. “You wanted to see me?” She said, wondering what was up.

"Yes, yes I did," she told the women, directing them to chairs before her desk. Cindy beamed at her Chief Navigator and Chief Science Officer. "Neza here tells me that she has a lead on our mysterious Orion's home. You said one coordinate point, right, Neza?"

"Just the one," Neza stated, handing over the information. "We were lucky to find that. Most of the data has been corrupted. The team is still working on it but...I'm not hopeful unfortunately."

"That's why we have her," Cindy replied beaming at Cat. "Can the two of you extrapolate where Vivyra came from with that one point? Seems like a job for a navigator," Cindy said grinning at Cat.

Neza looked over at Cat. "This is going to test your skills. But if you think you can do it, I'll do my best to help you."


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