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Rescue and Solace

Posted on Mon May 18th, 2020 @ 9:02pm by Lieutenant Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant JG Neza Glenn

714 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 3 - Coming Full Circle
Location: Jane's Quarters

Raising an eyebrow at the call from Jane, after dealing with her own thing, Neza quickly made her way to Jane's quarters after acknowledging the call. What could be going on where it'd be an emergency? Getting to the door, she pressed the chime, worried. She'd maybe bring up what happened to her later.

Jane lay quietly, praying that things wouldn’t go wrong while she was trapped like this. How could she let it happen? What had happened, anyway? Her memories of the night were so clear. But also, there was some fuzziness around the edges.

She heard the door chime and she let out a breath, which came out in a sob. “Neza? Is that you?”

"Yeah, it's me, Jane."

“Before you come in, please...don’t judge. I’ll explain what happened but please just help me.” Jane resumed pulling at the belt that tied her hands to the bed and all she did was make it tighter. “Enter.”

Don't judge? Neza wondered what was going on. Once she was able to go in, she looked around and noticed where Jane was. "So...your night as interesting as mine then?" She walked over and worked to undo the belt.

“Jokes after I’m free, please, sis,” Jane said, clutching her eyes shut, both so she didn’t need to look at Neza and to hold in tears. “I’m not in the mood right this second.”

"Don't worry, I've not had a great night either," Neza stated as she finished undoing everything. She then found a blanket and wrapped Jane up.

“Thank you,” she whispered before taking a deep breath. “For me...I saw Zoe Cayce. She and I were going to have dinner and talk about the book we read. She had this strange notion of how the events with Vivyra went. Completely different from what happened. Then we discussed a particularly erotic part of the book and, well, ever since Vivyra my libido has been dialed up to eleven. I demanded she do to me what the characters did in the book. But after she tied me up, she left and apparently vanished.” She sniffed as she lightly cried. “I’ve not been that scared in a long time, sis.”

Wiping a tear away from Jane's cheek, "I'm here now, sis. Promise. I...saw Cole Turner...same thing, didn't remember things properly, was trying to get me to sickbay to see what was wrong with me. But...he vanished and the computer said he wasn't there." Neza wrapped Jane in a tight hug. "What the hell is going on with all this," she whispered.

“I don’t know,” Jane whispered back. “But we should look into it. Between the two of us, who actually saw these...I don’t know, but the closest word I can think of is ‘ghosts’, we should be able to figure this out.” She squeezed Neza closer. “Your lab or mine?”

"Either lab I guess. I don't know if ghosts is the right word even." Neza looked to Jane. "Of all the people I had to had to be him..."

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Jane offered. “We need to have that girls’ night sooner than I thought. Vent our feelings and drink and lament the ones that got away because they were never real to begin with?”

Neza gave a small shrug. "I suppose so. For some reason I don't feel like going to the lab to research this. Because if we find nothing, then it'll feel pointless and I'll feel like I went crazy..."

“Neza,” Jane said quietly, “you just untied me from my bed. Someone tied me to it. I remember it being Zoe Cayce. Either people from our memories are manifesting, or something else is happening. But either way, something is happening. Let me get dressed and we’ll go to your lab.”

"I know, I know. The scientist in me is having issues with this. I don't know why. This makes me so feel so beyond uneasy. Go and get dressed, I'll wait."

As she got up, blanket wrapped around herself, her door chimed. Jane let out a sigh. This awful night was not going to end any time soon.


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