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Confession Session

Posted on Sun Jan 26th, 2020 @ 11:56pm by Lieutenant Jane Sinclair MD, DVM & Lieutenant Xenia Windsor

2,248 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 2 - Love ORION Mistaken
Location: Brig

Xenia finally got herself out of Luke's quarters, a smile plastered on her face as she strutted down the hall. She thought the night had gone well. Very well. She replayed some of the better moments in her head on her way to the lift. Other crew members passed the other way, and they exchanged almost knowing grins with each other. She heard some talk as she waited for the lift doors to open. They spoke of unusual instances all over the ship, but what caught her attention was the mention of the doctor in the brig. She had met the CMO once, and couldn't imagine what she would have done to ended up there. In a split second decision, she stepped into the Turbolift and changed her destination. "Brig." She wasn't due on the bridge today, so she could spare the time.

In a few moments, the doors parted and she made a beeline for the rear area of Security. The Brig appeared empty on first glance, but she eventually made out the prone shape and blue hair of Dr. Sinclair on the bench inside one of the cells. "Doctor?" she asked tentatively. "What happened?"

Jane had shifted from her previous fetal position to lying down on the ground, staring up at the ceiling lights, waiting in despair for death to take her. Without Vivyra by her side she felt empty, and longed for the emptiness to end one way or the other. Anticipating this, they took anything that could be used as a weapon from her. So she just lay down and counted the seconds.

But then the door opened, and a familiar face in a gold uniform skirt came up to the forcefield. She grinned widely and leapt to her feet. "Xenia! It's so good to see you!" She tapped the forcefield excitedly. "How are you?! Did you come to see me?"

The helmsman immediately saw the difference in the doctor's overly excited behavior and cocked her head to the side, questioning the strangeness of it. "I heard you were down here, and I found it hard to believe. Why would you be locked up?"

Jane rolled her eyes at the question. “Apparently I attacked some people. Meanwhile nobody’s been listening when I say it was in defence of our visitor!” She looked in the direction of the brig guard when she raised her voice, whose response was just to scoff. She quieted back down and looked back to Xenia. “Some people were going to attack Vivyra outside her quarters, so I taught them a lesson.”

Xenia looked back and forth between the prisoner and the guard, watching the exchange. But upon the assertion that she had taught them a lesson, Xenia grinned, wondering what exactly the doctor had done. She was curious though about the first part of her statement. "They were going to attack Viv? Why? I thought everyone loved her!" Stars knew the helmswoman did.

"They claim to," Jane growled. "But they were waiting outside her room. Just waiting for her to open the door so they could have their way with her. Told me I was being selfish for not sharing, but she's mine." Her attitude changed again, instantaneously, to one that was less angry and more...excited? Distressed? "Speaking of which, Bec said Vivyra was seen with you around that time. Was everything okay? What did she need? Did you help her?"

Xenia cocked a brow at the assertion that the Orion belonged to her. She was slightly amused at that, but even more so when the doctor's tone changed so suddenly. The change also left her slightly concerned for the doctor. However she answered, she was certain she shouldn't reveal the entire story. "Yeah," she said with a shrug. "We ran into each other. Introduced ourselves. She really didn't need my help. She seemed pretty self sufficient when we were hanging out. She did say I made her feel quite welcome before we parted ways." None of that was untrue.

Jane smiled warmly. "Thank you so much, Xenia! It's good to know that someone was being nice to her. But if I may what way were you so welcoming?"

Xenia raised a brow. Who asked that sort of question? "I helped her find a drink she liked, and she invited me back to her quarters."

Jane's face froze. The smile didn't fade, but the warmth did. Her eyes lost their focus. "And you politely declined, right?"

Xenia chuckled. "That wouldn't be welcoming, would it? To make her walk home alone."

To an outside observer, it was as if a fuse had broken inside Jane's brain, but someone had come in and replaced it, because the warmth was back in her eyes. "Of course! Silly me. Thank you! I couldn't bear to have her walking home alone with all these predators everywhere. You're a good friend, Xenia."

"Well, you know any friend of yours is a friend of mine. She is welcome to my place again anytime, as are you."

"Wait." Jane froze again. "She went to your place? You offered to walk her back to her place, but she went to yours." Her eyes bored into Xenia's. Were they phaser emitters, the helmswoman would be stunned if not dead. "Xenia. What. Did. You. Do?"

A few moments before, Xenia had been worried about upsetting the doctor, who had been nothing but nice to her. But some of the things she was saying seemed rather inappropriate. And while the brunette had held her own plenty of times in the past, she was still glad the doctor was behind the field. Still, she postured herself more upright. "We did what she wanted to do. I did not force her there, attack her, or do anything against her will. She is a person, and does not belong to anyone," she finished emphatically.

Feelings of all kinds filled Jane’s head and heart. It was true, Vivyra didn’t belong to anyone. But in another way, she was Jane’s. But maybe Vivyra didn’t want to be Jane’s, or not anymore. Maybe she needed more than Jane could offer. She’d talked about not believing in monogamy. Jane wasn’t sure she wanted monogamy either. But Vivyra had left their bed and romanced Xenia. She felt angry. With Xenia. With Vivyra. With herself most of all.

She wanted to scream and lash out and throttle the pretty pilot.

But instead she simply fell to her knees and began to sob.

Xenia had seen the different emotions flicker across the doctor's face, but the one that finally came to rest looked rather hopeless, and the pilot couldn't help but feel sympathy for her. She took the couple steps toward the restraining field, and knelt down on the other side from Jane. "What I said is what I believe, but if I was harsh about it, I apologize..." She meant to go on, but wasn't sure how, so she let those last words hang for a moment.

Jane shook her head, eyes closed tight to try to stop the tears. "You're right. She's free to be with who she wants. And she's not the first to that. I...two days ago I had Commander Hudson. Vivyra doesn't know. And...I want her so badly. But right now I want almost anyone." She opened her eyes at looked at Xenia. "I feel like I'm being torn apart."

Xenia looked off for a moment, considering the doctor's words. "Actually, I understand. She's not the only one I've been with, and wanted since I ran into her." She frowned, sitting back on her heels. "I didn't think Orions affected women like this..."

"Neither did I," Jane said, trying to catch her breath. "I thought maybe I reacted differently because of my orientation." She wiped her eyes. "Or maybe we just don't know as much about them as we thought." She gave Xenia a weak smile. "I'm sorry for putting all of this on you. I...I just don't know what to do. I need out but I can't ask that of you. I just need to wait for Cindy or Bec to see reason, I guess. Thank you for visiting me, Xenia."

The brunette shrugged. "I dunno. She was, first for me. I've never had any interest in snogging a woman before. And I don't know if orientation would influence what I always thought was essentially a chemical reaction. But you're the doctor, Doctor. Either way, how do we get out of this? Her influence, I mean."

A rational corner of Jane’s mind tucked that fact away. Vivyra somehow converted a straight woman. The oversexed but sex-crazed one knew that Vivyra was just so damn hot that everyone wanted her. And the jealous part of her reacted to the idea of breaking people of Vivyra’s ‘influence’. But instead of getting angry, Jane just smiled seductively, all reactions somehow combining into one. “Instead of arguing or fighting it, lower the forcefield. We’ll find Vivyra and show you just how lovely women can be.” She gently traced a finger along the forcefield.

Xenia grinned, quickly picking up on what Jane was doing. She knew letting the forcefield down was wrong, but, at the same time, incredibly tempting. It was enough to make her wonder what the Orion had done to her. Yet, not so much that she was bothered by it. Though, it was interesting; she had been with Vyvira, then Lucas, twice, and yet she still seemed to be...hungry. She crossed her arms. "Who says I'm fighting it?" she asked with a wink. A quick look back toward the central area showed the officer who had let her back here was no where to be seen. Before she could think better of it, she reached for the wall, and the cell's frame lighting powered down.

Jane practically leapt out of the brig cell as she pushed her lips onto those of the slightly taller pilot. Her tongue probed Xenia’s mouth as Jane tried to sate a hunger that lately never seemed to go away. Deft hands found their way up Xenia’s skirt. At that moment, Jane craved nothing more than to hear her friend moan.

Jane's sudden reaction took Xenia by surprise, making her fall backwards, saved by a bulkhead that kept her upright. She had expected the other woman to ease into it, but the onslaught on her mouth triggered the same hunger that had never really died off on her either. She answered in return, her hands coming up behind the Doctor's neck, fingers trailing their way through her short hair. She felt the hem of her skirk give way. Jane's fingers knew exactly where to strike, and it left Xenia gasping. It was hard not to compare this to her experience earlier the night before. Whereas Vivyra had been teasing and playful, Jane was getting right down to business. Xenia leaned her head back against the wall, breathing heavy.

And even with the pleasure building, a small seed of worry entered her head and grew. The security officer in charge here was bound to come and check on them, and if they were found like this, there would be hell to pay, for letting her out, and for...she let out a mow moan. Damn, the woman knew what she was doing. But Xenia didn't want to get her in more trouble. "Dammit," she said, annoyed at herself. "Stop. No, really."

As requested, Jane stopped moving her hand, but also left it where it was. She grinned at her woman who was moments away from becoming putty in her hands.

Xenia tried to catch her breath, amused that Jane only did as she asked, and no more. The brunette twitched, trying to maintain control. "If we get caught, we're both in big trouble, and likely in separate cells," she mentioned pointedly. "Let me go plead your case to the Captain. As much as this," she shifted, to her own detriment, "something is going on, and your skills are needed to help everyone." Her chest heaved as she looked Jane in the eye, knowing it was entirely likely the woman would continue her lovely assault, ignoring what Xenia had just said.

Again, multiple parts of Jane’s mind began arguing with each other. One wanted to resume what she had been doing, damn the consequences. Another wondered whether Vivyra would approve, though that part was quieter, as she assumed that the Orion would be keen to joining them. But in the end, the rational brain won out.

Lips mere milimeters from Xenia’s, Jane whispered a reply. “Talk with Cindy. Get me out of here. And I’ll make it worth your while, luv.” She gently touched her lips to Xenia’s and slowly and gently, teasingly, withdrew her hand from her skirt.

Xenia cursed her own responsibility. Knowing she was doing the right thing didn't make her feel any better. Letting Jane go a little bit longer would have.

She willingly stepped back into the cell. “I’ll be here. Waiting. Thinking of you.”

Xenia nodded, unable to speak, as images of those promises flooded her mind. Instead she simply pushed the button that sealed the cell up again. She hoped there was no noticeable change in her gate as she walked away.


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