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With More Power Comes More Responsibility

Posted on Wed Mar 13th, 2019 @ 5:24pm by Captain Cynthia Jackson & Lieutenant Jane Sinclair MD, DVM

4,269 words; about a 21 minute read

Mission: Mission 2 - Love ORION Mistaken
Location: Captain’s Quarters
Timeline: 2261.220 1810

It had been over a month since the offer had been made, but now finally Dr. Jane Sinclair was able to make time to get into the galley and prepare a meal for her Captain. She was excited for the opportunity. Cooking was a true passion of hers, and making delicious meals for friends and loved ones filled her heart with joy.

Cindy had asked her to dinner, probably assuming someone else would cook, but Jane insisted that this was something she wanted to do. She had gone through her crates of fresh foods that she brought in at launch, kept in stasis so they retained their freshness all this time later. A few cases opened, she prepared two servings of a dish she loved (giving the rest of the food from those open containers to the galley for use in crew meals), plated them as perfectly as possible, and then set them on a tray. She also took a bottle of wine from her room, two glasses, and enough utensils for two place-settings. All of that assembled and on a small cart, she was ready to find her Captain.

It had been a wonderful day and Cindy knew that it was only going to get better. Jane was going to come over for dinner and she had a grand surprise for Jane. Since this was an informal dinner, Cindy elected to put on some red shorts that emphasized her long legs and a light blue scoop necked t-shirt. She went barefoot and waited for her dinner date to arrive.

It didn’t take long to reach Cindy’s quarters from the galley, though the cart made the turbolift ride a bit crowded. She reached the Captain’s door, cart in front of her. She sensed this was an informal dinner, so she chose to wear a white and pink short-sleeved high-necked top, a black shirt, and black leggings. The first thing anyone would see though is her favourite apron, proudly suggesting that all “Kiss the Cook”. She chimed the door and awaited a response.

Cindy replied, "Come in!"

The door slid open and Jane pushed the cart of food into Cindy’s quarters. She smiled at her Captain. “Good evening, Cindy.” She stopped the cart next to the small dining table.

Once Jane did, Cindy rose and asked, "Isn't this a bit elaborate, Jane?"

“Not at all,” Jane replied, as she began setting up the place settings, including glasses. “First, I genuinely enjoy cooking. This wasn’t work, it was an hour of fun! Second, you’re my Captain and you deserve the best! And third, you’re my friend, and I want to treat you.”

Cindy giggled. "You're way too good to me, Jane. Honestly, you are. I don't require all this. I'm a rather simple woman."

Next she moved both plates to the table. Each plate was covered with a small makeshift cloche, hiding its contents. The wine bottle was set in the centre. Finished setting everything up, she finally stood fully upright and looked Cindy in the eye. “Hi,” she said with a grin.

Cindy laughed. "I think you said that before, Jane. But, my gosh, this is elaborate. Well, I suppose that it is rather appropriate in this particular case. There is something that I've been meaning to talk to you about...."

“Oh?” Jane asked, curiously. It wouldn’t be something bad, as she said the dinner was appropriate. But she couldn’t think of something good that Cindy would want to discuss with her in this setting. She untied her apron and set it on the cart, slightly sad that it didn’t elicit even a comment. But only a little. “Before we talk, let’s sit and I’ll present our meal. Can you open the wine please?”

Cindy reached over and grabbed the wine. Her ample cleavage was readily visible to Jane as she reached over. Finding a corkscrew, she twisted it into the bottle and pushed it in forcefully, satisfaction showing on Cindy's face as she thrust the device into the cork. She then wriggled it out and there was a "pop," as the cork released from the bottle. "Would you like me to pour?" Cindy asked pleasantly.

Jane couldn’t help glance at Cindy's chest as she grabbed the wine bottle. She was fairly certain this dinner wasn’t about that, but her eyes were free to have their fun. “Please do,” she said in response to Cindy’s question. “It’s a Chardonnay from my homeworld. The colonists imported most breeds of grape from Earth in the twenty-second century and began making their own wines. The soil is quite different from anywhere on Earth, so it tastes different. Better or worse is up to you!”

"I can't wait to taste it."Cindy reached over and took Jane's glass, giving Jane a lesser view but a noticeable one of her cleavage. She poured it expertly and left the glass with Jane. She then poured herself a glass and asked, "So, what do you think we should toast to?"

"Good question," Jane said, picking up her own glass, clearing her throat she as Cindy's cleavage remained in full view. Focus, Jane. That's not why you're here. Pretty sure. "How the mission. And to our growing relation--friendship." She smiled, not quite catching her words in time.

"Very well," Cindy answered. "To our friendship and the success of our last and next mission!" She raised her glass up to meet Jane's.

Jane smiled as their glasses clinked and took a sip. This was her favourite wine, and it paired nicely with their meal. "Please take a seat," she said, and then delicately with her thumb and index finger grabbed the handle of the little makeshift cloche over Cindy's plate. With a flourish, she removed the cover and revealed a juicy piece of meat and a number of side dishes. "Your dinner, Captain," she said in a mock-formal voice and a serious expression, which immediately turned into a toothy smile, her tongue slightly pushed out between her teeth. "Today we have pork chops, seasoned simply with salt and pepper, seared, and then roasted to finish, with apples that I braised in the pork drippings and cider. Alongside we have roasted potatoes and roasted broccoli, the latter being topped with minced garlic, crushed red pepper flakes, and almonds." Jane sat down at her own place setting. "Bon appétit!"

"It looks as delicious as you made it sound." Sitting, she marveled at all the food. "How long have you been at this, Jane? This is quite the effort. You really did not have to go through all the trouble."

“There’s an old expression that the Vega Colonists brought with them from Earth,” Jane said. “I think it goes, ‘if you love your job, you never work a day in your life.’ A great motivational line when every day is a struggle on a frontier world. But that’s what cooking is for me. I love it, so even a full day sweating over the stove isn’t work, it’s fun. But to pout your mind at ease, this took an hour plus prep time.” She speared some broccoli with her fork, but before eating asked a question. “So you wanted to discuss something with me?”

"Indeed, I did," Cindy replied, cutting into her pork chop. She ate a bite, savoring each morsel. She closed her eyes, visibly enjoying the bite. "This is delicious, Jane! Feel free to cook for me any time." She cut another piece and said, "After eating this, I may have to reconsider the entire discussion that I was about to have with you."

Jane laughed. “Okay, seriously, Cindy, what did you want to talk about?” she asked, her tone light and her smile wide. Cindy seemed to be having entirely too much fun stretching this out. Jane cut up some pork and apple and closed her own mouth around the bite, savouring it as well. Damn, that is good.

"I wanted to talk to you about your career," Cindy replied, stringing out the conversation further while taking another forkful of food and stuffing it in her mouth, forcing Jane to have to respond rather than Cindy talking further.

“My career?” Jane asked. “I’ve been in Starfleet for about six years now, more if you count medical school, and have no plans to leave any time soon. Did you have any questions about my career?” She took a sip of her wine. She wasn’t staring at Cindy’s chest anymore. Things were serious now.

"Questions?" Cindy asked musing. "I suppose that I have a few," she admitted. "Perhaps," she started while screwing up her mouth in a musing pose. After a second, she unscrewed it and continued, "I was curious as to what you thought about our current command structure."

Jane’s confusion only increased as the conversation went on, but she answered honestly. “Well, first, I like that we’re all looser with ranks. It makes us feel like more than just colleagues and coworkers, but friends. We work better together this way.” She smiled widely. “I like that I can call you Cindy, and I’ve come to think of you as a good friend.” Maybe more one day. But not today. “Bec, too.” Definitely more than just friends, there. “I’ve instituted a similar protocol in sickbay. I’m only ‘Doctor’ in the middle of crises, where structure helps.”

“One thing that surprises me though is that the entire command structure is just you and Bec,” Jane continued. “It’s a big ship with a large crew. In a true crisis where you and Bec are both taken out of commission, there risks being confusion on who is next in line. Gente, Steffan, and I are all full Lieutenants, and in principle we could disagree with what to do next, and that sort of confusion puts lives in danger.” She had a sip of her wine and smiled. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to go on like that. But you asked. Maybe I should’ve mentioned this sooner, but I honestly hadn’t thought much of it until you asked.”

"Indeed, that could be a huge problem," Cindy agreed. "So, I was debating what to do about it. I'm curious as to your thoughts." Cindy grabbed her wine glass and took a drink while continuing to have her green eyes look directly into Jane's.

Jane blushed a bit as Cindy locked eyes with her. “I think you should name a Second Officer. Maybe even establish a firm chain of command through the other full Lieutenants.” She took some potato on her fork. “Steffan has good experience but I don’t think Second XO should be a Bridge Officer. You don’t want one well aimed torpedo to destroy the entire chain of command. Gente’s got experience, but I think you’d need to pry him away from the engine room to sit in the command chair.” She ate her bite of potato and thought a moment while chewing. “I could do it. I have experience, a great grasp on frontier life, and my Assistant Chief is exceedingly competent and could take over if I have to be on the bridge.”

Cindy nodded, listening to Jane's recitation. "Very well, consider it done," Cindy replied with a twinkle in her eye.

Jane cocked her head slightly. “I’m sorry, wot?” she asked. “You’re offering me the position of Second Officer?” Her eyes began to light up as she realized what this dinner was actually all about.

"I am," Cindy replied delighted. She giggled lightly. "I thought it through and other than you having no command experience, I think you're the perfect candidate. If this ship is such trouble that Bec or I are not available, I think that the ship is best in the hands of a doctor. Besides," she said somewhat bothered, "I have this odd feeling that I had already asked my doctor to be the second officer and he said yes."

Cindy shook her head, obviously bothered. "See what I mean.... He, not you. It makes no sense."

“You know, I’ve been having weird feelings like that myself,” Jane said. “I remember getting to know someone. Not to dump this on you, but...I remember starting to fall in love. But I don’t love anyone here. Weird!”

“But thank you so much!” Jane added. “I won’t let you down, Cindy. Is there some command training I can take?”

"We'll have to see if you could do command school remotely. I don't see why it would be a problem." She shrugged as she ate more of her pork chop. "Totally delicious," she told Jane before continuing. "You remember falling in love? With whom? Anyone I know? I guess not since you said you don't love anyone here...." Cindy shook her head, confused. "I wish I knew what to tell you. I am not inclined to believe in ghosts but maybe it is some sort of resonant signature due to Legacy's construction?"

"I've done remote training before," Jane said. "My Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine was earned while on assignment on USS Pascal. And I've been working on certification for massage therapy. I should be finished in about a month. I'll need someone to practice on, so let me know if you ever want a massage." She winked at Cindy. "But I can handle remote command school." She ate some more pork with apple. "As to the other question, I'm as confused as you. Maybe in time the source of these weird feelings will reveal itself. For now, I'll do as I've been doing, channeling the weird feelings into sad music. I should play for you sometime. Do you like music?"

"A massage?!" Cindy asked excited. "Oh, I would let you work on me any time you want, especially after I've finished any athletic activity. But how are you going to have time for that and command school?" Cindy asked concerned. "As to music, of course I like music. Who doesn't?"

“Well then, some time you’ll need to let me play for you,” Jane said. “I’ve played a little for Bec.” She smiled widely, remembering the night of ecstasy that followed that concert. “And a bit for Gente, though that was accidental. I left the door to the music room open and he heard me sobbing as I played. Apparently he felt quite moved too.” She took a sip of her wine. “I can pause massage therapy school for command school. Being well equipped to command the ship is more important. Though after one massage after a workout, you might disagree!”

"I don't know, Jane. You're making me feel like second fiddle.... Playing for Bec and Gente before me...." Her tone was clearly teasing and she giggled a bit at the end. "So? I think I have a squash match tomorrow. Perhaps after I shower, you can come back here and give me a massage."

Jane coughed a bit, choking for a second on a piece of broccoli, imagining herself give Cindy a massage after a shower. “I, uh, I’d love to, Cindy. Just give me a time.” She smiled and blushed, which stood out against her blue hair.

"How about 1600?" Cindy replied simply. She noticed that Jane coughed and asked, "Are you OK? You probably should not be eating at the same time that you're talking."

“Good advice!” Jane agreed, still blushing. “And 1600 it is. I can come a little earlier and set up a table, or we can just use your bed.”

"Whatever is easiest for you," Cindy answered simply. "I just want you to work your magic on me."

Jane swallowed hard and drank the last of the wine in her glass hurriedly. "The...bed is probably best for that. We'll just lay some towels out, so my massage oil doesn't ruin your bedsheets. Understand though that I'm not fully certified yet. This isn't a doctor giving a prescribed treatment. This is a friend helping a friend to feel good. Er, feel better. After her workout." She couldn't help but stammer.

"I perfectly understand," Cindy replied taking a leisurely drink of her wine after a sampling of her vegetables. "But who am I to refuse your offer. And I heard that I'm good for practice."

Jane cut into another potato and put it in her mouth and chewed, savouring the roasted goodness. She looked away from Cindy a moment, knowing she was still red. She knew she was attracted to Cindy but it seemed like every single word the Captain was saying was just ramping her up. Jane grabbed the wine bottle and topped up her glass, offering it next to Cindy. “You know, Cindy, I wore my favourite apron here to cook for you and you didn’t even comment, or make any effort to follow its instructions.”

"It was cute," Cindy replied innocently. "But, why would I follow its instructions?" she asked just as innocently. "Are you European? Did I fail some sort of culture test?" Cindy started to feel embarrassed at what she believed was her own obliviousness to Jane's culture. "It is a kiss on each cheek, right? Is it too late?"

Jane wondered for a moment if she should feign offense at a lack of cultural respect to get a kiss from Cindy, and idly wondered how far she could push it. But that seemed dishonest. "When humanity settled Vega IX in 2110, it was a truly international effort. Many of the old nation-states combined their efforts to launch the colony ship, and people from all over the Earth went aboard. Each brought a bit of their culture with them, which the colonists blended. So it's hard to say much specific about Vega culture, except that we tend to love nature and can be quite affectionate. The kiss on each cheek is fairly common but not required, and hugs tend to linger a bit longer than I've seen as a norm in America." She set her utensils down, played with her hair a bit and grinned. "The blue hair isn't Vega though. That's just me being me!"

"I'm glad to know that you're just you!" Cindy replied with a comfortable laugh. "I do feel foolish, though. How can I make it up to you?"

Jane put an index finger next to her lips and looked away. “Ummmmm,” she playfully said, “how about...a promise that if you ever see me again in my apron, you give me a big hug and a big, wet kiss on the cheek!” She picked up the last bit of food on her plate. “Let me know when you’re ready for dessert!”

"I can keep that promise," Cindy replied smiling. Cindy picked up some more food and ate it. After swallowing, she asked, "You can't be serious? You made dessert too?!"

Jane scoffed, still jokingly. “Cindy, I came here to treat my friend and Captain to a nice treat, and retroactively apply for the position of Second Officer. You’re surprised I made dessert?” She winked at her friend. “I made a family recipe for you. One of my favourites. And you’re the first on-board to try this one. But what I brought is served at room temperature, so you don’t need to rush.”

"I'm not used to being this spoiled. The last time that I was treated like this, some guy was trying to get into my pants," Cindy told Jane. "It wasn't a bad effort," she told Jane with a smile. "Funny, though. I always seem to want the ones that don't know I exist, well, with one very notable exception," she replied with a giggle.

“Hehe,” Jane nervously laughed, scratching the back of her neck. “I know the feeling. If you don’t mind me asking, did his effort work?”

"Oh, yes," Cindy replied with a drool in her voice. "He got me into quite some compromising positions."

“Good to know,” Jane said with a smile and maybe a bit of hope in her voice. She shifted her legs under the table to help manage her growing physical reaction.

She finished a few more bites of food on her plate and said, "Well, I suppose I can splurge on dessert. After all, I'll be working it all off tomorrow, right?"

“That’s right.” Jane stood and went back to the cart, taking with her their dirty dishes. She then pulled two plates from a shelf underneath it. On each plate was a fluffy white pavlova meringue, topped with raspberries, strawberries, and a red fruit coulis. She also put out clean knives and dessert forks. “It’s a recipe passed down through my family for generations. We couldn’t quite trace it back to planetfall, but we came close. Enjoy!”

"This looks delicious!" Cindy exclaimed. "I'm almost afraid to put a fork into it."

“Then don’t!” Jane exclaimed. The delicately picked up the six-inch-In-diameter pavlova with her hands, holding it at four ‘corners’. “You can eat it with a knife and fork, but you don’t need to. The pavlova is solid, and if I did it right a bit gooey on the inside. It might crumble a bit, so you can use the utensils to pick up any fruit and meringue that fall on your plate.” She took a big bite of her own, and closed her eyes in renewed pleasure over her dessert.

Laughing, Cindy picked up the pavlova in her hands and took a large bite. Unfortunately for Cindy, some of the inside leaked off onto her chin and back onto her plate. She tried not to laugh while she chewed. Managing to get herself to swallow, Cindy said, "I'm a mess!"

“It’s too good to waste, Cindy,” Jane said. She dared to try something. She stood from her seat, walked closer to Cindy, and gently drew the creamy dessert from her chin. A drop of it stood on her index finger. “Would you like to have it, or should I?”

"She who gets it eats it," Cindy replied shaking her head. "I know. I'm a mess. I was not meant for being delicate, was I?"

Jane put her finger in her mouth, savouring the treat, but regretting it wasn’t Cindy eating it. “I love a good messy dessert, too. Something where your hands are left sticky at the end. I don’t have to be delicate.”

"I always have been more of a tom boy. I just love my athletics, so much. And beating up guys that think they will have it easy with a woman.... Definitely enjoyable!"

"I can see the appeal!" Jane finished the last bite of her dessert. "Thank you again, by the way, for taking me to the gym the day after poker night. Normally I don't enjoy myself there, but you made it fun."

"I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself," Cindy replied, beaming at Jane. "We can do it more, if you would like. There's nothing like a good sweat to make you feel alive and invigorated!"

“I think I might take you up on that!” Jane said. The idea of spending more time with Cindy was appealing, and she couldn’t deny the health benefits. Maybe working out with someone was the way to make it more amusing?

Desserts finished, Jane stood and took their dishes, returning them to the cart. The wine bottle all but empty, she returned it to the cart, too.

“I had a good evening with you, Cindy,” Jane said. “Maybe we can make this a regular thing? Monthly feasts?”

"If you're doing the cooking," Cindy replied with a laugh. "I'd burn water." She laughed again. "I really enjoyed dinner. If you want to spoil me like this monthly, who am I to argue?"

Jane grinned. "It's a date then! I should probably get this cleaned up and start turning in. I feel like I had a bit more wine than you, and am a bit smaller. It's going to my head. I should be okay getting back to my room though. So I'll see you tomorrow at sixteen hundred?"

"You sure that you're alright?" Cindy asked concerned for her friend. "I can walk you back if you'd like. And, I could get this cleaned up. You've done so much for me that it is the least that I could do."

Jane swallowed hard. “Are you offering to take me back to my quarters? Bring me to bed?”

"Of course. I've done it before, silly! Why wouldn't I do it now?" Cindy asked with a genuine smile.

“Well, you were cross at me before, and you were making sure I made it to bed,” Jane said. “This is different, isn’t it?”

"I care about you, Jane. You're one of my best friends. So, I take care of you. It really is just that simple."

Though Cindy's words effectively dashed Jane's hopes of a romantic or sexual relationship her, the doctor was still moved by the sentiment. Her eyes began to water at the sudden feeling of friendship and care. She tackled the Captain in a big hug. "Thank you, Cindy! For everything. You're one of my best friends, too. I'd love it if you walked me back to my quarters."

Cindy laughed as the smaller woman tackled her. She hugged Jane back firmly. "Come on, second. Let's get you back to your quarters."


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